Sunday 23 September 2012

New School Year.... New Me

The school year has started again and I'm trying something new. Last year was all about comfort and to be honest I looked like a hobo most of the time.

That may also have had something to do with my lack of appeal (men wise).

This year I have challenged myself to not wear sweat pants AT ALL (well other then when I'm alone in my room).

I am going to compare this year from last year and see if my non-sweat-pant-wearing pays off!

I would also like to give a shout out to Briar and Aman who are reading this blog right now.
Thanks boys <3

Friday 13 April 2012

Exams Trends to Watch Out For

Here we are, exam time, that time of the year when students sit down and try and learn all the crazy and outrageous concepts that have been thrown at them all semester. Bags around the eyes, coffee in hand, you can tell it’s the stay up late, study and roll out of bed time of the year.
Kids around residence have been sporting sweat pants and t-shirts. I have spotted two common trends. The first is for women, the old fashion “pho pas” socks and sandals have now become a new fashion statement. Well, I could be bias considering I have been doing this for years and just hoping this “trend” will catch on. So, since I have seen a few people doing this, it makes me really happy.  Speaking of which I think its about time for me to take out my summer Berks and put away my winter ones. Yes, I wear Birkenstocks in the winter, but again I wear them with socks! No need for boots when you have socks to keep your feet warm. A tip though, for people that might actually do this; when going on long walks in the winter, make sure that you choose your socks well! That means absolutely NO HOLES!

  But, back to summer, check out!

The other trend I have seen is among the young men on campus. The amount of guys I have seen with crazy facial hair is exploding. This could be because of the laziness during exams. The weird part is… I don’t even mind it. A guy with a little bit of scruff is actually quite sexy in my opinion. Its only when you see guys with un-trimmed, un-groomed or explosive facial hair that it becomes really wrong. So to all the young hot gentlemen, keep the scruff coming, but take care of it please!

Well good luck in exam time, to all you students out there!
And check me out on Twitter @DanielleLate. I’m trying to get into twitter… again…

 But anyway, cheers for now grasshoppers!